I care not who casts the votes of a nation, or who counts them, provided I can draft the ballots.
I wrote this in mid-2022. It was not prompted by certain recent indictments.
You must see the New York Times piece minting the apocryphal quote I based this on and then fretting that “the approaching Presidential election may be the last free and fair election that this generation will ever see”—on May 26, 1880! Start 1/3 down the page at the headline “IMPERIALISM.”
The more you read, the more deliciously inconvenient it gets for any American alive today, a scrambled story straight out of history!
https://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1880/05/26/98901866.pdfAre you twadpockle enough to read the whole thing? It’s short.
Fun with “fact checkers”! Enter the first line of my verse into a search engine, and watch people attribute the original to Napoleon, citing the above NYT date. They obviously didn’t read the text they were citing. What a bunch of COMPLETE twadpockles!
Snopes, to their credit, actually read it.