It’s a new dawn at the Twadpockle Report.
I need a new approach to the writing schedule, so I will be experimenting, and we will have a new weekly rhythm, or lack of it. I still hope to average about one feature a week.
Today’s brief piece analogizes a trend I have seen in several movements, and it has been building again in one that I’m a member of now.
I confess, I am disillusioned with soccertarians.
Soccer attracts many of us with its seductive simplicity: NOTHING ELSE COUNTS except scoring goals. But sadly, trying to score a goal all the time is not a winning strategy!
This makes soccer hopelessly flawed. I now consider myself post-soccer, and I chuckle—fondly but with frustration—at those simpletons who remain soccertarians. I seek a more pragmatic game, in which we cleverly roll the ball back, send it sideways across the field, even pass it to a teammate behind us! Such street-wise maneuvers are critical if we are to work around the forces blocking us.
But such a game would not be soccer, because in soccer, NOTHING ELSE COUNTS except scoring goals.
I am grateful to soccer for the lessons it has taught me, and I do still believe as much as ever in winning games by having the most points, but it is time to move on. I hope to awaken more and more soccertarians, to discover a new pragmatic game—maybe basketball—in which we don’t just dogmatically try to score goals all the time.
Liberated from soccertarianism, I am sure we will find it together.
When it comes to
Your medical cost coverage,
NOTHING ELSE COUNTS except paying bills.
Pay large health care bills without insurance by joining an affordable crowdfunding community.
Lol. I see whatcha did there.