An astronomer, a religious scholar, and some podcasters walk into a bar…
I mean, a studio. They all admit to thin credentials in theoretical physics, though they are qualified in other fields, and then they proceed to debate the shape of the Earth and the layout of the Solar System on theoretical grounds. Hilarity ensues.
The Flat Earth Conspiracy Debate
The Culture War Podcast, Tim Pool
2:03:25 video, 22 Nov 2024
Every major fallacy of TEH SCIENCE™ is on display, with the camera shoved up close in its frontal orifice. There is not a trace of irony, and all performers are unmistakably innocent (yet surely over 18). It’s almost cute.
I love that the two “alternative” dudes have competing theories and that each naively protests the other’s nuanced deviance. Plus, the “straight man” does a lackluster job ramming it home—no matter how well they set him up—because he hasn’t mastered his own epistemology. I think he underestimated this scene and got in way over his head! He definitely didn’t ask for enough money. Maybe he should’ve taken an extra blue pill—the “little” one or the Matrix one, either way.
Admittedly, it can be hard 🍆 to debate a midwit who won’t concede certain “obvious” points that we’ve never quite made ourselves explain before. But that’s the whole point of putting epistemology at the VERY CORE of the scientific method
—if we can be bothered with such nuance before shouting NUMBERS DON’T LIE!!!!
—which we can’t, at this moment in Western technocratic culture.
QUIZ yourself!
Science has PROVED that
(a) The Sun orbits the Earth,
(b) The Earth orbits the Sun,
(c) Everything orbits my pinky finger,
(d) There is no special center in the Universe, and you can put “The Origin” anywhere,
(e) Something Occam this way comes,
(f) It depends on how this impacts COVID policy,
(g) Epistemology has a right-wing bias,
(h) The sound of one hypothesis clapping.
While you ponder this scientific koan at the tip of the iceberg, I will prepare to talk through it all in my next audio episode.
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