🎲 Six-sided die that has won a million times in a row!
Seriously, no trick! We have the receipts.
(And when you buy it, we will throw in ANOTHER receipt!)
Actual data, science-grade, from a million empirical trials, fully documented, cuz—do I have to say it?—NUMBERS DON’T LIE!
So, FOLLOW THE SCIENCE, and BUY THIS DIE! And if you won't, can you EXPLAIN WHY?
I still haven’t made the Flat Earth/Scientism episode I promised, but this morning I woke up with my voice in great shape—about 85% of its old self—and I had this delicious, brain-melting idea tumbling around in my head and practically jumping out of my throat, so I sat down in front of the built-in laptop mic 😅 first thing—
Before even running out for my Friday morning burrito. That’s when you know it’s serious.
Also cool, I didn’t write anything down! I had already rehearsed it in my head with some mumbling aloud, and I had discovered a nice cadence, and I found myself ready to just TALK like old times.
So I did.
Medical coverage that just PAYS like old times
They said I could pay large health care bills without insurance by joining an affordable crowdfunding community.
So I did.
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