A second audio episode EXISTS! (It may not think, but it certainly IS.) I recorded it this morning and will post it here soon.
Meanwhile, a talented person befriended me by fixing the clicks and pops in the first episode. If you are looking for a clever way to make a new friend, and you haven’t tried fixing their audio, I recommend it!

Waiting in the wings, my Flat Earth/Scientism critique has yet to be recorded. I got stuck writing up the outline… for some reason… I wish I understood why that happens! Let’s hope today’s progress gets that ball rolling again.
Also coming along are errata and addenda to “Simulation Theory,” just a few technicalities to tidy things up and stick a landing or two.
Now catch the NEW IMPROVED audio:

To meet smart, amazing people like Jeff Benitz (and me!), who fixed “Simulation Theory’s” audio, join the Tom Woods School of Life.